It is such an honor to be behind the lens capturing your family's most precious moments. I love to be outdoors, and my shoots generally reflect the same. I am based in Chandler, AZ and available for all of your Family, Children's and Senior Portraits. Please email me for pricing and further contact information at

Thanks & DoN't FoRgEt To SMilE :)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Europa 2012: Italy, France & Spain







Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Rohde Family Christmas

Just waiting for Santa to Arrive...
 Momma blowing kisses
"All I want for Chistmas is my 2 front teeth"
" OK folks, are you ready to give me everything I want for Christmas?"

Precious Family <3

Friday, September 28, 2012

Playin w/ C

I mean...can you say Gerber Baby?!


Kathy's Family

Enjoyed a beautiful September morning with Kathy and her family last weekend. Here are a few highlights! The kids were tough to crack, but once their smiles came out, I couldn't stop snapping photos!


LiGhT ChEcKs

The Road Less Traveled...

...Is Always More Fun in a Pair of Chucks
 Don't Fear the Fork....
... Just Ride the Wave.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Picture in picture

3 of My Favorite Ladies
J, E and I @ Charlotte's Shower
Miss Charlotte one month later

(Photos pictured courtesy: Kurt Kurpong and Tiffany Allen, respectively)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Charlotte turns 1!

Diva Charlotte in pearls and a tutu!

Photography by Kate Stevens

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Bloom Family: Welcome Baby Maxwell

Had a wonderful afternoon with the Bloom Family. Welcome Baby Maxwell, only 2 weeks old!

Photography by Kate Stevens